Home VegetarianSouth IndianUpma Sago Upma (Javvarisi Upma)

Sago Upma (Javvarisi Upma)

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Published under: Upma

Sago Upma (Javvarisi Upma or Sabudana Upma) is an easy to make healthy breakfast or snack dish.
Sago Upma (Javvarisi Upma)

Sago (Sabudana/Javvarisi) – 2 cups
Urad Dal – 1/2 cup
Carrot – 1/4 cup, finely sliced (optional)
Moong Dal – 1/2 cup
Onions – 1/2 cup, finely chopped
Coconut – 1/2 cup, grated
Rice Flour – 2 tsp
Juice of 2 Lemons
Ginger – 2 tsp, finely chopped
Green Chillies – 5 to 6, finely chopped
Coriander Leaves – handful, chopped
Salt as per taste
Oil as required

For Tempering:
Mustard Seeds – 1 tsp
Urad Dal – 2 tsp
Bengal Gram Dal – 1 tsp
Cashew Nuts – few
Curry Leaves – few

1. Soak the sago in water for 8 to 12 hours or overnight.
2. Pressure cook the dals until 1 or 2 whistles.
3. Drain the sago well.
4. Add rice flour and mix well.
5. Heat little oil in a pan.
6. Fry the tempering ingredients for a minute.
7. Add the green chillies, ginger, onions and saute for a minute or two.
8. Add the sago and stir well.
9. Add salt and cooked dals.
10. Stir well.
11. Add the grated coconut and stir once or twice.
12. Remove from flame and add lemon juice.
13. Mix well and garnish with coriander leaves.
14. Serve.

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