Home Fast FoodPasta Pasta with Peas Pesto

Pasta with Peas Pesto

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Published under: PastaPeas

An easy to make, simple and tasty pasta with green peas pesto. If you are too lazy to cook or bored, then this is one pasta that can be made in a matter of minutes with minimal ingredients.
Pasta with Peas Pesto

Spaghetti (or Tagliatelle) – 200 gms
Green Peas – 250 gms, shelled
Mint Leaves – handful
Garlic – 1 clove
Walnuts – 3 tsp + 1 tsp, chopped, toasted
Parmesan Cheese – 2 tblsp, grated
Olive Oil – 2 tblsp
Salt as per taste
Black Pepper Powder as per taste

1. Cook the pasta in a pan of salted water for 5 minutes or until al dente.
2. Grind together the peas, mint leaves, garlic, 3 tsp walnuts to a paste.
3. Add the cheese and olive oil. Grind to a smooth paste.
4. Sprinkle salt and pepper powder.
5. Drain the pasta and reserve 1/4 cup of the water.
6. Add the pasta to the pesto and the reserved water.
7. Mix well.
8. Sprinkle the remaining walnuts and garnish with mint leaves.
9. Serve.

Tip: If desired, add 1 or 2 tsp of peas to the pesto before mixing it with the pasta.


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