Home InternationalFrench Roasted Ratatouille

Roasted Ratatouille

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Published under: FrenchFruits and Vegetables

Roasted Ratatouille
Tomatoes – 4, chopped
Onions – 6, cubed
Zucchini – 2, cubed
Brinjal – 2, cubed
Capsicum – 4, cubed
Garlic – 10 to 12 cloves, crushed or chopped
Olive Oil – 2/3 cup
Salt as per taste
Black Pepper Powder as per taste
Parmesan Cheese – grated
Basil Leaves – 1 to 2 cups, chopped

1. Combine all the vegetables in a large bowl with garlic, olive oil, salt and pepper.
2. Toss well and spread them out on a baking tray.
3. Place the tray in a preheated oven and roast for 10 to 20 minutes at 450F.
4. Remove and stir/toss the vegetables.
5. Place them back into the oven and roast for another 30 to 40 minutes, stirring once or twice, till tender.
6. Remove and transfer the vegetables to a serving bowl.
7. Add the basil leaves and mix.
8. Garnish with the cheese or keep it in a cup by the side.
9. Serve hot.

image credit: channel 4

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