Banana Mousse

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Published under: BananaDessert

250g ripe banana
Juice of 1 lemon
Juice of 1 orange
125g caster sugar
2tbsp créme de banane liqueur
1tbsp water
3 gelatin leaves or 1 ½ tbsp powdered gelatin, soaked for 10 minutes and then squeezed dry
360ml thick cream

1. Peel the bananas and cut into pieces; purée in a mixie or food processor with the sugar and fruit juices.
2. Warm the water and créme de banane and stir in the gelatin leaves, away from direct heat.
3. When the gelatin has completely dissolved, stir the mixture into the puréed fruit.
4. Whisk the cream until thick but not fully whipped and fold into the fruit purée.
5. Spoon into individual serving bowls or a single large bowl and refrigerate until set.

Note: Be careful how much gelatin you add. If you use too much, the mousse may turn rubbery rather than soft and delicate.

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