Home DessertCakes Pistachio Cupcakes

Pistachio Cupcakes

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Published under: CakesValentines Day


Pistachio Cupcake

Pistachios – 200 gms, shelled
Butter – 275 gms, soft
Eggs – 4
Caster Sugar – 275 gms
Plain Flour – 275 gms
Milk – 3/4 cup
Icing Sugar – 500 gms
Green Food Colour (optional)

1. Grind 3/4th of the pistachios and half of the caster sugar until the nuts are finely chopped.
2. Transfer to a large bowl.
3. Add the remaining sugar, butters, eggs, flour and milk.
4. Beat well until smooth.
5. Pour into a muffin tin lined with paper cups.
6. Bake for 20 minutes in a preheated oven at 140C or until a skewer inserted in the centre comes out clean.
7. Remove and cool.
8. Meanwhile, add enough water to the icing sugar and mix until it is is thick and pouring consistency.
9. Add the food colour and mix.
10. Add a spoonful of the icing on each cake and spread.
11. Garnish with the remaining pistachios.
12. Serve.

image via baking bandit

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