Home Food Guide Healthy Snack Options during Office Hours

Healthy Snack Options during Office Hours

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Published under: Food Guide

Most of us spend endless hours at office and go back home only to hit the bed. Wake up, hustle, go to bed, repeat – this is would be an apt description of most of our routine. With stressful work, meeting deadlines and attending boring meetings, food is the last thing we’d think of; let alone choosing them wisely. Even if you are blessed with a stress-free job that you love, peaceful work environment and reasonable work hours, you cannot escape from the number of inviting snacks lying on the cafeteria smiling at you. Either way, your health is at stake. Therefore, it’s important for you to watch what you eat.

Ditch your hot samosas, pakoras or namkeens when your stomach grumbles and go for these healthy snack options as they are super tasty, healthy and not to mention filling.

Fresh fruits

Fresh fruits

This is the easiest and healthiest snack option. There are a number of fruits you can choose from. Grab one of them and toss it to your bag when you leave from home so that you can munch on them when you are craving to eat something. If you are a sucker for fruits then fill your box with a mixture of fruits. This snack not only satiates your hunger but also hydrates and amps up your nutrition quotient.



Good news! Your all time favourite snack is healthy too! Popcorns not only make your movie time better, but your office hours too. When you are craving for some junk or when you want to quickly shut your grumbling tummy, pop your corns. You can buy packet of readymade popcorns or make them on your own. But don’t get too excited and top them with seasonings that are loaded with sugar and salt. Keep it simple and tasty.

Seeds and nuts

Seeds and nuts

We needn’t say anything about how healthy seeds and nuts are healthy. So pack your bag with your favourite seeds or nuts. You could make you very own mixture of your favourite ones like cashews, almonds, pumpkin seeds and flaxseeds. Topping them with dry fruits like figs, apricots or raisins makes it even better. A handful of them come handy during snack time or when you are feeling sluggish at work.

Boiled corn

Boiled corn

Loaded with fibre and nutrients, corn makes for a perfect snack. Carry a box of boiled corn and top it with a dash of salt and lime if you like it tangy. If you are lucky enough to have boiled corn in your cafeteria, you can enjoy them sizzling hot. You can even enjoy this every single day without guilt as it is healthy and doesn’t widen your waistline.



Sprouts are perfect for any time of the day. Having a different kind of sprouts every other day is only going to enhance your health. Throw a spoonful of them whenever you feel like. You could also play with the flavours by adding spices or chop some veggies to it and make your healthy bowl of sprouts salad.



Who said oatmeal is just for breakfast? Quickly stir up a cup of oatmeal your favourite way. Be it sweet or spicy they are only going to do good things for you. Alternately, oatmeal granola bar is also a fuss free way to snack on oatmeal and still enjoy their benefits. They are packed with nutrients and fibre that not only satiate your hunger pangs but aid in weight loss too.

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate

All the fruits, veggies and nuts can get boring after a while. That’s when dark chocolate comes to rescue. It instantly fixes your sweet tooth, wakes up your tired brain and prevents you from binging on fattening sweet alternatives when your craving arises. Make sure to stack your office desk with dark chocolates. We assure that they will be your saviour.

Hard-boiled egg

Hard-boiled egg

We know that eggs are a great source of protein, are known to stabilise blood sugar levels and what not. Let’s rope them to this list as they make for a fantastic snack option as they not only fill your tummy but also keep you full longer. Top with some salt and pepper. Too bored of the flavour? Add them to your salads to make them more nutritious.

Coconut water

Tender Coconut water

Coconut water is the best, especially to deal with the hot summer days that are sure to drain all your energy. Gulping down coconut water gives an instant burst of freshness, hydrates you and cools down the body. It is great for enhancing the overall health and should be a regular addition during the summer.

Granola bars

Granola bars

They are the tastiest and nutritious option when it comes to satisfying your sweet-tooth and satiating your hunger or cravings. Packed with nuts, grains and butters they are a must-have in your office desk. However, it is important to pick them wisely as too much sugar isn’t going to help you. If you are sceptical about getting the ones at the stores, make a large batch at home.

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