Home Food Guide Beat the Summer Heat with Cool and Refreshing Drinks

Beat the Summer Heat with Cool and Refreshing Drinks

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Published under: Food Guide

Summer is well at your doorstep and you have started feeling the on call of summer effects. Parched tongue, dehydrated body, fatigue and dried skin-oomph! You feel like sitting in the swimming pool or bath tub all the time and do not want to come out. What to do? Your work does not wait for you and you have to pull on. All the more, the effects of summer take you to dangerous health hazards too. How to prevent and beat the summer with hydration and cooling methods?

Instead of bottle drinks and tons of water, try these summer drinks and protect yourself from the scorching heat of the summer. They are rich in nutrient values and natural fruit ingredients.

Home-Made Lemonade

You can prepare this drink at home with ease and pleasure. Almost a common drink with chilled sugar syrup and lemon juice, it helps the body keep up the natural energy with its vitamin C content and replenishes the dehydrated spirit in a wink of an eye. Cheap and best, homemade lemonade serves the summer purpose at its best with its refreshing quality, especially when it is served cool with slices of lemon to garnish. Added flavor with a pungent taste of ginger can be made for those, who are poor in digestion and need some hot taste along with the chill lemonade.

Mango Lassi and Watermelon Slush

Mango lassi is a healthy drink, bringing the flavor of the fruit to the core and making a wholesome drink out of the fruit. Pulpy mangoes beaten with yogurt and caster sugar add richness to the content and make the taste unique. Natural that you don’t prefer solids a lot during summer as your taste buds invite something watery and juicy to restore your energy level. You feel inclined to take rich and wholesome fruits that retain energy. In such circumstances, mango lassi is the right option, since it is heavy and highly juicy with calorie value and vitamin energy. An afternoon is best served with mango lassi indeed.

Watermelon is comparatively lighter, but contains more of the watery element that it is a good option for your morn or evening. You need not add much sugar since it is sweet in its natural content. Slush the ice cubes in the blender and add de-seeded watermelon pieces to it and slush a little for a few minutes. If you add honey syrup to it, you have a rejuvenating drink to supplement your summer delights and beat heat drink therapies.

Colorful cocktails with mixed flavors

Cocktails with fruits make a fine blend for different tastes and multiple flavors. You can try iced fruit punch by freezing the fruit juices in different shapes and allow them to melt after some time. The color and taste are eye catching and mouthwatering. You can choose grapes, pineapple, orange, apple and lemon for this punch. Or you may go in for ginger shandies with ginger beer, hoe garden beer and fresh lemon slices. It is nourishing, tasty and twisting in flavor. It is different to tongue with the mixture of cherries and mint leaves to the addition of rum. Gives a mild kick and is tongue friendly.

Iced beverages like cold tea and coffee

Cold tea and coffee are traditional, yet they can be given a twist and made fresh and new with the ingredients of lime and ginger. More fun you get from iced mint tea with the exclusive use of mint in the preparation of ice tea. Or it can be cranberry ginger tea punch, where you blend a fine combine of cranberry and strawberry juice with ginger tea to bring a delicious beverage to cool down a hot summer.

Work wonders with apple

You can do a lot with AppleApple drink, apple and banana smoothie, apple pie martini, apple grape juice and apple milk shake. Try more with apple as the basic ingredient and enjoy a cool mind in hot weather.

Summer Drinks

Seasons are unbeatable with their specific effects. Yet, you can outsmart them with the bounty of nature in her fruits and specials.

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