Home InternationalChinese Mixed Seafood with Noodles

Mixed Seafood with Noodles

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Published under: ChineseSeafood

Raw Prawns – 125 gms
Scallops – 125 gms
Squid – 125 gms
Dried Beanthread or Cellophane Noodles – 175 gms
Coriander Leaves – 1 tblsp
Chinese Leaves – 225 gms, cut into 1 inch strips
Fish Stock or Vegetable Stock – 2 litres
White Pepper – 1 tsp, ground
Tamari Sauce – 2 tsp
Chilli Bean Sauce – 1 tblsp
Ginger – 2 slices, chopped
Garlic – 2 cloves, chopped
Olive Oil – 1 tblsp

1. Heat oil in a nonstick pan over high heat.
2. Add the garlic and ginger.
3. Stir-fry for a few seconds.
4. Add the chilli bean sauce, tamari sauce, pepper and fish stock.
5. Bring to a boil.
6. Add the chinese leaves and reduce the heat to medium.
7. Simmer for 10 minutes.
8. Add the noodles and cover the pan with a lid.
9. Simmer for 5 minutes.
10. Add the prawns, scallops and squid.
11. Bring to a boil and simmer for a minute more.
12. Transfer to a serving dish.
13. Garnish with coriander leaves.
14. Serve hot.

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