Home Fruits and Vegetables Parwar Stuffed with Paneer

Parwar Stuffed with Paneer

Published under: Fruits and VegetablesPaneer

Parwars – 8, big, peeled, slit, boiled and drained
Sugar – 3 cups
Water – 1 cup

For the Filling:
Fresh Paneer – 200 gms
Sugar – 1/3 cup, powdered
Almonds – 8 to 10, peeled and finely chopped
Pistachios – 10 to 12, peeled, chopped
Green Cardamom Powder – 1/2 tsp
Saffron – 1/2 tsp, diluted in water
Rock Candy – 20 gm, small bits
Sliver Leaves – 2

1. Carefully remove the seeds from the parwars.
2. Boil the water and sugar together till the syrup is sticky.
3. Add the parwars and cook on low heat, till the parwars change colour and become sweet.
4. For the filling, knead the paneer with sugar, almonds, pistachios, saffron, green cardamom powder, and rock candy.
5. Drain the parwars and fill each with the paneer mixture.
6. Press the filled parwars in your palm to give the original shape.
7. Cover with silver leaves and serve.

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