Home Sweets Kajas


Published under: Sweets

Maida – 2 cups
Bengal gram flour – 2 tblsp
Curd – 1/2 tblsp
Sugar – 1 tsp
Oil and Ghee – for frying

For sugar syrup
Sugar – 1 1/4 cup
Water – 3/4 cup

1. Sieve maida and mix with 1 tsp sugar and curd.
2. Sprinkle water and knead to a smooth dough.
3. Mix enough oil with bengal gram flour. Oil and flour mixture should easily spread when smeared.
4. Make big balls out of maida dough.
5. Roll out into very think chappathis using more maida for dusting.
6. Apply oil, flour paste evenly on top of each chapathi.
7. Prepare a pile of five chappathis keeping one on top of another.
8. First fold one end to about 2 inch width. Flatten the folded portion and continue folding in this manner to look like a flat roll.
9. Cut 1 inch pieces from the flattened roll.
10. Press it on top with rolling bin. The inner rings should remain at the sides.
11. Prepare like this from all the balls.
12. Prepare sugar syrup of half string consistency.
13. Remove from fire and keep it warm.
14. Heat oil and deep fry few kajas at a time till golden brown.
15. Put it in the syrup and allow it to soak till next batch is fried.
16. Arrange on a flat plate to dry.
17. If more syrup is left over, pour it over kaja.

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