Carrot Poli

Published under: CarrotPoli

Flour – 1 cup
Salt – 1/4 tsp
Turmeric Powder – 1/4 tsp
Oil – 2 to 2 1/2 tblsp for mixing
Ghee for frying

For Filling
Carrots – 1 1/2 cups, grated
Coconut – 1/2 cup, grated
Jaggery – 1 to 1 1/2 cups
Ghee – 2 tblsp
Cashew Nuts – 3 to 4, powdered
Almonds – few

1. Knead all the ingredients for the covering, except the ghee, adding 1 to 1 1/2 tblsp of water to a smooth dough.
2. Cover and set aside.
3. Boil carrots with just enough water, remove from fire and cool.
4. Grind cooked carrots, coconut, jaggery, nuts and cardamom to a fine paste with little water, id necessary.
5. Heat ghee, add ground mixture, fry on low heat till quite dry, stirring all the while.
6. Cool, make lemon-size balls, set aside.
7. Make equal number of balls of the dough and with a little oil sprinkled on your hand, shape into a cup.
8. Put 1 carrot ball into the cup, bring edges together and seal at the top.
9. Pat the cup flat, set aside.
10. Use up all the dough and filling.
11. Using a little flour or oil, roll out the flattened dough into thin rounds (poli).
12. Heat a tava, cook polis on both sides turning over carefully when one side is done.
13. Add some ghee and fry both till light brown in colour.
14. Serve very hot with ghee.

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