Home Fruits and VegetablesPumpkin White Pumpkin Soup

White Pumpkin Soup

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Published under: PumpkinSoup

White Onion – 1 or 2
White Pumpkin – 2 cups, chopped pieces
Butter – 1 1/2 tblsp
Celery – 1 stick (optional)
Salt – as required
Sugar – as required
Pepper Powder – as required

For Spice Bag:
Garlic – 1 flake
Ginger – 1/2 inch piece
Crushed Cumin and Pepper – 1/2 tsp

1. Tie the spice bag contents in a small muslin cloth.
2. Heat butter and fry chopped onion, celery for few minutes till the raw flavour goes from onion.
3. Add this to the pumpkin pieces along with white stock or water to cover the pieces.
4. Put in the spice bag and pressure cook for 7 to 10 minutes in reduced flame.
5. Cool down and discard the spice bag.
6. Mash the pulp and pass through a strainer.
7. Dilute as required to soup consistency and add salt, sugar and pepper powder.
8. Heat till steaming hot and serve in soup bowls.

Tip: If you want to thicken the soup, add one chopped potato while frying the onion. Or make cornflour paste and add it to soup while reheating. Little milk can also be added.

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Avatar of Raj Grover
Raj Grover October 10, 2015 - 7:40 am

What is white stock???


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