Home Food Guide Mallika Badrinath Kitchen Tips

Mallika Badrinath Kitchen Tips

Published under: Food Guide

1. Dry roast powdered salt before putting them in shakers for easy flour.
2. To avoid worms or other pests in dal or rice keep neem leaves in that container.
3. When pans are badly burned and crusted, fill them with soapy water and let it boil for 15 minutes. This will help to remove burnt marks while washing.
4. To clean dials on stoves and other hard to reach surfaces in any glass ornamental ware use a cotton swab dipped in liquid detergent.
5. When a recipe is doubled never double the salt and other seasonings. Use little more then mentioned. Taste and then add more if necessary.
6. To prevent worms in rawa dry roast it in a deep curved pan over medium flame till it becomes warm. Cool down and pressure in air tight container.
7. Line the jar in which sal, is kept with blotting paper to keep it dry always.
8. To keep dampness from affecting flour while it is stored, tuck a bay leaf inside the container. This helps to absorb the moisture.
9. To prevent stains inside pressure cooker put squeezed lemon peels at the bottom while cooking.
10. Smear few drops of castor oil to legumes and pulses to prevent pests in it.
11. Add a teaspoon of sugar while cooking cauliflower to prevent discolouring
12. Wash flasks with vinegar solution to prevent bad colour in it.
13. A teaspoon of ghee or oil added to toor dhal while cooking helps the dal to cook faster.
14. To remove kerosene smell from hands apply little curds and then wash well.


Avatar of mallika
mallika February 25, 2017 - 5:31 pm

Dear mam,
we use to watch all the programs from Java TV & we are excited to hear ur tips its quite useful for freshers like us. I want to ask one query that in North India they are telling that tamarind will reduce our children’s Height ,is that true.

Avatar of bhavani
bhavani December 23, 2015 - 4:01 pm

i want mallika badrinath books chutney varites.how to purchase it.

Avatar of vani
vani November 13, 2014 - 3:44 pm

hi madam, i want make easily briyani receies

Avatar of Girijasivam
Girijasivam August 29, 2014 - 4:39 pm

Dear Mam,
I am your fan. i have all ur books. till now i see the ingredients in Murukku variety its was so perfect and delicious so awe sum. everyone loves it. and also other recipes .
Now i would like to do homemade chocolates for my grand childrens. pls send recipes.
thank you so much mam.

Avatar of vidhu
vidhu July 25, 2012 - 10:09 am


Avatar of G.Bhooma
G.Bhooma January 14, 2011 - 9:23 am

Dear Madam,

very very useful.

I want one clarification from you ” Why vulundhu vadai (rice flour is added for crispness) gets exploded? this explosion has occurred for me twice. Please clarify the same.

Avatar of nikita jain
nikita jain October 4, 2010 - 2:47 am

hi …can you guide me with tips as to how can a visually impaired(low vision and blind people)carry out his\her kitchen activities comfortably in indian context….waiting 4 ur response…
nikita jain

Avatar of sumathy
sumathy March 27, 2010 - 1:42 pm

ya really it is very good

Avatar of sumathy
sumathy March 27, 2010 - 1:41 pm

ya really your recipes are very lovely

Avatar of Suchhitra
Suchhitra March 24, 2010 - 2:24 am

i have a peculiar problem can you help me, when i gave chilli powder for grinding he has put it with turmeric powder and my chilli powder is mixed with tumeric what do i do

Avatar of Geetha Vinod
Geetha Vinod March 23, 2010 - 4:32 am

Dear Mallika Madam,

I am an ardent fan of yours and have benefited a lot through ur cookery books and shows. I would like to know if any speacial dhall ( urad) is required to make bouncy vadas like we get in hotel and please tell the exact procedure.

Avatar of sumathy
sumathy March 27, 2010 - 1:44 pm


Avatar of lalithasree
lalithasree January 13, 2010 - 7:09 am

I want your receipe book i want to purchase online, wat i should do

Avatar of priya
priya November 25, 2009 - 11:00 pm

madam i want ur personal email id so that i can make to my own convence becoz i am ij china for 3 yrs.so pl do give ur personal email id for chat or to mail u for my questions.thk u very much

Avatar of banu
banu November 2, 2009 - 3:19 am

i ve 3 of her books….yummie cooking…. im gettin praised at home now…

Avatar of valli
valli October 29, 2009 - 10:29 am

i want how to prepare a salad

Avatar of zafeera
zafeera September 14, 2009 - 7:30 am

what can be done with left over paal gova…pls sujjest me asap cause i very less time for my project maam thank you..

Avatar of jayasree
jayasree July 20, 2009 - 10:29 am

i would like to know how to make idlis snow white and very fluffy is any leavening agent used or not thankyou please help me iam waiting for a positive reply from u mam

Avatar of Sumathi
Sumathi May 22, 2009 - 11:39 am

how does one prepare amla juice

Avatar of k.shubha
k.shubha April 23, 2009 - 7:44 am

Madam recipes are very nice,we request to give more different items

Avatar of k.rekha
k.rekha April 13, 2009 - 3:33 am

Very useful tips

Avatar of shobana
shobana February 28, 2009 - 3:50 am

we request you to update this site with your new tips and recipes.

We like ur recipes and are perfect in measures and taste. Thanks.

Avatar of Deepa
Deepa February 4, 2009 - 2:36 am

I want to know how to use micro wave oven and ghow to set grill mode in it

Avatar of lalitha
lalitha October 1, 2008 - 1:32 am

I want your receipe book i want to purchase online wat i should do

Avatar of Sheela
Sheela September 2, 2008 - 12:11 pm

Thanks a lot for the tip on salt.I have a tough time to have a free flow of the salt.

Avatar of vidhu
vidhu July 25, 2012 - 10:08 am


Avatar of sharmila
sharmila May 24, 2008 - 6:19 am

kitchen tips are lovely madam really like a mother teaching her daughter u have given advices thank u mam

Avatar of sharmila
sharmila May 24, 2008 - 6:16 am

madam recipes are excellant she has given a idea of how to make delicious recipes in home instead of going to hotel wasting our money and health we can prepare the same item in home really it tastes wonderful thanks to mrs mallika badrinath

Avatar of sharmila
sharmila May 24, 2008 - 6:07 am

i like the recipes it tastes lovely all item cook has hotel taste

Avatar of kjayasri
kjayasri May 9, 2008 - 8:13 am

is there any receipes on online itself or otherwise i want to buy the books


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