Home Food Guide Health Benefits of Ragi

Health Benefits of Ragi

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Published under: Food Guide

Hey! It is a world of diet control and health consciousness. You and I don’t want to be big and fat, but try to look slim and fit. What to do for this? Should we rush to the health centers every now and then and pick up tips for a healthy living or can we maintain our health by learning a few tips about the magical works of natural nutrients like finger millets, otherwise known as Ragi. This natural nutrient is a great giant in providing multiple benefits to the human body and keeping it stable.

Ragi / Finger Millets

A Great Aid for Weight Loss

Here is a good word for the weight watchers! Take ragi every day and check your weight. You can find magical results within some weeks. Yes! ragi contains an amino acid called tryptophan, which is a helper in controlling appetite. The amount of intake is reduced as ragi stands as a good gateway for slow digestion. You don’t feel like taking excessive quantities of food as you feel your stomach full all the time. And it serves as a good digester with a lot of fiber in it. A great job indeed!

A Friend in Need for Diabetes

Nine out of ten have Diabetes today and they search for one or the other of dietary charts and medical instructions. Why don’t you people try this humble millet, which is a staple and healthy diet for diabetes? It is rich in phytochemicals which slower digestion and regulate blood sugar levels for a diabetic patient. You know why? Ragi leads to slow digestion and less absorption of starch. No wonder! A fine succor for blood sugar control and a tremendous booster of energy too! Hats off to this cheap millet, who is farmer’s best friend sitting on his breakfast table every day.

A Helper in Cholesterol Control

Not only sugar level, you see, ragi works wonders in matters of controlling cholesterol as well. You know how? It contains the amino acids Lecithin and Methionine which are good helpers in removing the excessive fat from the liver. They cut down the blood cholesterol thereby and the Threonine amino acid in this magical millet avoids the formation of fat in the liver. Vow! Excellent promoter of low cholesterol with the amino acids in it! Don’t we take such a good nutrient every day to cut down the doctor’s bill to the minimum? Don’t we?

An All-Time Nutrient for Babies

Ragi is ever favored as a staple and a healthy diet for the babies. It promotes bone growth to a great extent, packed with a good deal of calcium! Your children will look brawny and robust without loose muscles, if they have ragi on a regular basis. Learn recipes like ragi pudding, ragi kheer, ragi adai and kozhukattai to attract your children’s taste buds and boost up their energy! You spend less and gain a package of benefits when you use ragi in the diet of your children. And the beauty of it is, this finger millet can be used for one month old babes also! There is no digestion problem and the strength gained is powerful.

An Essential Health Weapon for Overall Well Being

By now we have come across the amino acids contained in ragi and are well aware of the good results produced by those acids. The list goes on… Ragi has pocketed more amino acids like Threonine and Valine which aid in repairing the body tissues and maintaining its normal function. It is a great relaxant of the muscles and a fine booster for malnutrition and recuperation from degenerative diseases.

Don’t you feel that this little finger millet is like a small magician with a wand in his hand, chanting magical spells of good health, weight control, diabetic diet and nutritive child food to those whoever wish it?

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