Home Food Guide Health and Nutritional Benefits of Guava

Health and Nutritional Benefits of Guava

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Published under: Food Guide

Guava is a treasure trove of nutrients. Just a bite of fresh guava will make you eligible to receive a healthy dose of nutrients that will suffuse your being with fortifying elements.

Health benefits:

  • Luscious guava is richly integrated with fiber. A number of diseases prominently diabetes gets cured relatively easily. The assimilation of sugar in the body is scaled down. Type-2 diabetes finds it very difficult to develop roots in the human body. Fiber also helps in cleansing the digestive system and pave way for free bowel movement.
  • Oranges are way behind guava when it comes to inherent Vitamin C content. Vitamin C is known for its powerful anti-oxidant properties. It counters the effect of oxidants in the body, which have the potential to rupture cell membranes and paves way for contracting heart diseases and cancer. Solar cells are protected from any damage by radicals.
  • Your eyesight will experience substantial improvement as guavas are rich sources of Vitamin A or retinol. This nutrient is also present in carrots. However, if the taste of carrot appears insipid to you, you can switch to guavas and keep your eye health under check.
  • Blood pressure surges or dips will be avoided significantly by consuming guavas. Guavas have the same amount of inherent potassium as that of bananas. The blood pressure level will be regulated and controlled.
  • Your body is supplied with an excess of folate if you regularly eat guava. Women with problem of conceiving can rely on this wonder fruit to have the fertility related problems solved. The chances of getting pregnant will be improved dramatically.
  • The rate of absorption of essential nutrients by the body is promoted vigorously if you munch on guava. Guava is a rich source of manganese. Manganese is known for being enzyme activator. It activates the dormant enzymes which are instrumental for fostering the absorption rate of biotin, thiamine and ascorbic acid in the body.
  • Your thyroid metabolism is strengthened by guavas. Guava is a good source of copper. It fosters hormone production and ingestion. Improper functioning of the thyroid gland can cause a flurry of health problems.
  • Magnesium, a proven nerve relaxant is an innate element of guava. Magnesium induces relaxation of muscles and nerves in the body. If you have just emerged out of a hard and sapping workout, a guava will boost the depleted energy and help relax the tense muscles.
  • The high content of Vitamin E and antioxidants will help you to get a glowing and healthy skin.
  • Guavas are high in vitamin B3 and B6 content. They maintain a steady flow of blood to the brain which helps in maintaining optimum brain health. Pyridoxine, another name for Vitamin B6 helps in improving the brain elasticity.

Nutritional Value of Guava:

Guava is a rich source of following nutrients

  • Folate
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Lycopene
  • Potassium
  • Copper
  • Manganese
  • Vitamin B such as niacin and pyridoxine
  • Energy
  • Carbohydrates
  • Protein
  • Total Fat
  • Cholesterol
  • Dietary Fiber
  • Beta Carotene
  • Beta Cryptoxanthin
  • Lycopene


Women who are facing difficulty in conceiving should be on a regular guava diet. People exposed to sun rays on a regular basis should consume pink guavas. Blood pressure, diabetes, thyroid malfunction, brain dysfunction and other ailments will get cured of you eat guavas regularly.


Nature has been extremely kind to mankind by blessing us with the humble and inexpensive fruit, Guava. This wholesome, tropical fruit is easily available and can be afforded by people of all income groups. Guavas can be eaten raw or after they ripen. Guavas can be obtained at various stages of ripening; however it is desirable that you consume them within two days of getting ripe.

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