Home Food Guide Health Benefits of Bananas

Health Benefits of Bananas

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Published under: Food Guide

Most people underestimate banana as just another fruit till they discover the numerous health benefits and even more reasons to add them to their diet. Bananas combat depression, they make you a lot smarter, they cure hangovers, they relieve you from morning sickness, they protect against kidney cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis and blindness. They can even cure the itch of a mosquito bite and also put a great shine on your shoes.

Sometimes it just does not make sense to spend a fortune over medicines for some petty reasons, or apparently petty reasons. In those cases, even an idea of having just a fruit for solution invigorates happiness in people. But people need awareness for the same utilization. Most are not even aware of the plenty benefits of the simple fruit. People consider banana as a fruit to be ignored as it adds a lot of fat to the body. People need to be aware of the benefits to be able to change the idea.

These are some of the many valuable benefits of a fruit as ignored as a banana. It can add shine when included in face packs and hair packs and it can also treat serious/critical ailments in people. It can tighten the batter mixes at times, and even lighten a concoction. There are mocktails and cocktails too, which can be enjoyed after using a banana to make them. Bananas have also been known to induce smartness in people. The ideas that might have seldom occurred to people regarding how a fruit like banana can help have been listed below. But these are just some of the plenty of ways how one can utilize the fruit to the fullest.

Health Benefits of Bananas

Health Benefits:

  1. Bananas help overcome depression due to the content of high levels of tryptophan in them, which is converted into serotonin. This is also known commonly as the happy-mood brain neurotransmitter.
  2. Eat two bananas before a strenuous workout to pack an energy punch and sustain your blood sugar. That not just sounds convenient, but is indeed effective.
  3. Protect against muscle cramps during workouts and nighttime leg cramps by eating a banana. Instead of going for artificially sweetened diet crunches or other non-tasty products, trusting this fruit is a smart idea.
  4. Counteract calcium loss during urination and build strong bones by supplementing with a banana. It is an effective and easy idea to heal calcium loss issues.
  5. Improve your mood and reduce PMS symptoms by eating a banana, which regulates blood sugar and produces stress-relieving relaxation.
  6. Bananas reduce swelling, protect against type II diabetes, aid weight loss, strengthen the nervous system, and help with the production of white blood cells, all due to high levels of Vitamin B-6. So many benefits and all this is just from a simple fruit.
  7. Strengthen your blood and relieve anemia with the added iron from bananas. Bananas are a rich source of iron also.
  8. High in potassium and low in salt, bananas are officially recognized by the FDA as being able to lower blood pressure, and protect against heart attack and strokes. It sounds unreal how a fruit could be so effective, but all these are medically proven.

Eating Bananas Aids In Digestion

Bananas are rich in pectin; bananas aid digestion and gently chelate toxins and heavy metals from the body. So you don’t need to go for supplements to do the needful. Bananas act as a prebiotic, stimulating the growth of friendly bacteria in the bowel. They also produce digestive enzymes to assist in absorbing nutrients.


High fiber in bananas can help normalize bowel motility. A confidential issue like this can be solved just by having a common fruit. That is simply amazing. Bananas are a natural antacid, providing relief from acid reflux, heartburn and GERD. That is basically Gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD), gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GORD), gastric reflux disease, or acid reflux disease

Got the runs?

Bananas are soothing to the digestive tract and help restore lost electrolytes after diarrhea. Bananas don’t just help in clearing the system but also help when too much is going out. Bananas are the only raw fruit that can be consumed without distress to relieve stomach ulcers by coating the lining of the stomach against corrosive acids. This is a fact which has remained unknown to many people.

Natural Cures From A Simple Banana

  • Eating bananas help prevent kidney cancer, protects the eyes against macular degeneration and builds strong bones by increasing calcium absorption.
  • Bananas make you smarter and help with learning by making you more alert. Eat a banana before an exam to benefit from the high levels of potassium.
  • Bananas are high in antioxidants, providing free radicals and protection from chronic disease.
  • Eating a banana between meals helps stabilize blood sugar and reduce nausea from morning sickness.
  • Rub a bug bite or hives with the inside of the banana peel to relieve itching and irritation.
  • Control blood sugar and avoid binging between meals by eating a banana.
  • Eating a banana can lower the body temperature and cool you during a fever or on a hot day.
  • The natural mood-enhancer tryptophan helps to relieve Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).
  • Quitting smoking? Bananas contain high levels of B-vitamins as well as potassium and magnesium speed recovery from the effects of withdrawal symptoms. Combating withdrawal symptoms and the urges to smoke are the easiest when banana is eaten.
  • Remove a wart by placing the inside of a piece of banana peel against the wart and taping it in place. Yes, it is that simple to remove a wart.
  • Rub the inside of a banana peel on your leather shoes or handbag and polish with a dry cloth for a quick shine. So even if the stores are closed, you don’t need to worry about your shoes being polished.

Besides these health benefits, bananas make great snacks and delicious smoothies. Eat a banana to know why monkeys are so happy and smart.

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Avatar of Marina
Marina March 8, 2022 - 11:20 am

Thanks for sharing informative content with us!


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