Home Food Guide 5 Foodie Resolutions to Keep in 2018

5 Foodie Resolutions to Keep in 2018

Published under: Food Guide

New Year’s resolutions do not come a long way; especially when it comes to sticking to a diet plan for the rest of the year. It’s a sin to deprive a foodie from his favourite food. Let’s put an end to making and breaking resolutions. If you’ve already made an impulsive resolution this year that your foodie self will hate you for, then it’s time to revamp it and stick to something easy and fun to follow.

Healthy New Year 2018

Celebrate home food

A foodie’s life can’t go without munching food. With regular take-outs and exploring new restaurants, the one thing we miss out is the goodness and authenticity of home cooked food. So let’s enjoy more of home cooked food this year. This simple change is light on your pocket, great for your stomach and undeniably delicious. Can’t afford to miss the best way to stay healthy and eat tasty; can we?

Enjoy cooking as much as you enjoy eating

We are sure that you love eating, but we guarantee you that cooking is equally fun. Get your ingredients ready, toss, stir, whip or mash them up and bam! You have a plateful of magic right in front of you. Doesn’t this sound cool? The next time you are in a dire need to have a bite of your favourite food, or in love with the new dish you ate the café, learn how to cook them and make them at the comfort of your home. Make it a practice to learn a new recipe every week or month and by the end of this year you’d be proud of your cutlery skills.

Start eating mindfully

You love the food that’s on your plate, but you mindlessly take a bite while watching Netflix or yapping with friends? You need to stop it right away! Let’s make eating a delightful experience. Forget the world while you are eating and get lost in the bliss of food and relish every single bite. Spend your meal time revelling in the luxury of food and reap all its benefits. A true foodie doesn’t just eat, but eats the right way!

Bye-Bye to monotony

Let’s bid goodbye once and for all to the eating pattern that we are currently accustomed to. It’s very easy to make the same old upma, rice and roti but it can get really boring. Make it a point not to repeat the same recipe and embrace new cuisines. Try out new spices and condiments and adopt different cooking techniques. Bring in newer recipes to your weekly menu or give a variation to the usual ones. Mix and match various ingredients and make your very own signature recipe; even better! We bet your lethargic frown will turn into a big smile during your meal time.

Do not miss the seasonal fruits

What are you doing binging on cupcakes and muffins while missing out on nature’s seasonal gifts? The succulent and juicy fruits stand nowhere close to the junkies you munch on. Do not miss to grab your share of them. Have as much as you can, for, you have to wait a whole year to have them again. These fruits aren’t just delicious but offer abundance of goodness as well. Not a fan of fruits? No worries! Pulse them in your juicer or whip them into a smoothie and you’d end up sipping it all day long.

Prove that New Year’s resolutions can be ceaseless by sticking to these foodie-friendly resolutions and we bet there will be no looking back.

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